26 July 2007

the pressure is on....

Oh my goodness...the pressure you start something and now people ***not mentioning any names**** notice I have not written anything in days...OK OK...did not think people were really reading these things.. So I called Molly asking her where Mike was and said he was working...hmmm sounds suspicious to me, working, I saw him walking around for a half hour this morning...hehehe....(i was in the same spot he left me in)

So in talking with Molly she said funny story...so I started going through the filing cabinet trying to think, what would be funny, the time my mom said to me "if your friends jumped off a bridge would you?" and I proudly said "YUP, I've got PICTURES", or how about the time i learned i could saran wrapped a toilet bowl on the ship and someone actually fell for it, or funny kid stories. You know this is harder than i thought. Toilet humor? How about my camping trip hiking up a three mile trail... up a mountain with 5 kids and three adults... crossing the rapids with the 45 pound pack? Do I tell you a serious story ???

Well i have to admit i really do not know what to write about....maybe something will come to me.....Maybe you will want to know more about what i have written....who knows...

21 July 2007

hard questions are like dodgeball...

So do you know I have been a foster parent for the past nine years? Yup! I have seen 20 children come and go from my home. Now i have to admit i have not had any children since my divorce 4 years ago. Oh boy i could tell you some stories about my little children that i have seen. Well Jordan my oldest son was my second placement from the foster care system. When i started with this it was not my intention to adopt, it was more i want to be that helping hand, you know the pit crew. These kids never asked to be put in this situation. For the most part i only took drug babies.

Jordan was a baby when he came, 13months old. He is one of 16 children and he is number 10 in the birth order. Now i must tell you, he can barely handle being a child of three, i cannot imagine what it would have been like for him to be one of 16!!! I think he would prefer being an only child. I am not sure if when i went to pick up the second twin from the hospital, it was a clue. I thought it would be family like and cool if we included everyone in this process. Oh the hormones. We got there, Jordan, was waiting with Raymond and out i came with another baby, he threw himself on the floor, screaming "NO MORE BABIES" Oh what a day....

Now, after finding out i was having twins Jordan's parents rights were terminated, they asked if we would like to adopt him. Well this beautiful little boy had lived with me for a year now and i was in love with him and how could i let him go back into the system for someone else to love. He was mine and i knew it. About six weeks after the twins were born, we officially adopted Jordan. It was a pretty cool day i must say. In one year i went from not being a mom to giving birth to twin boys and adopting another little boy. Now that is how to have children all in one full swoop.

Ok i will try to spare you the details of the divorce, which most you know, but i am divorced and have sole custody and he only has supervised visits at this point. I have to say i am very open with all my children and love to tell them the story of when they arrived in my life be it by the blue car from DCF or in the delivery room at yale....I love telling those stories and i think ihave told them so many times i think my children believe they remember that time.

So questions, oh boy, i just think sometimes when there are two parents it is easy to say, "go ask your dad". or have a conversation with another adult discussing what should be said. All these boy questions, well so far so good. Who knew? I called a friend once, embarrassingly enough, to ask if the button on mens underwear was for show or it was really used...you get the picture. When they found that great feature on the underwear! The joys! I am a girl, my underwear is one piece no holes....the whole lifting the seat thing is funny too. Aim is not good in my house, it is like they have shiny object syndrome....someone going to the bathroom, a brother walks by and they turn to talk. The bath mat is washed all the time! This in time i hope will end. Anyone know?

Okay so one of the questions today was from Jordan. He asked if our family was from another country. Oh my, at first i went on to say that all our ancestors are from England. That mommy is a part of the Mayflower and Bradford society as we can trace our roots to Governor Bradford.

Then I stopped. Hard question. Now i have all three boys in the car. Jordan knows he is adopted. I paused and said, "Jordan you are luck you have extra relatives." oh god how am i getting out of this....

Now the questions started...questioning who is real mommy was...I stopped them all and said I was HIS REAL MOMMY. He was a gift to me as the twins were gifts. They come in all packages and all different ways. So now, well who is his other mom...now i have to explain well you know how mommy and daddy made the twins, (oh god i was in trouble again, "you made us"? Crap) I carried on with the question flying around the car....Jordan has another mom and dad that made him. Then it was well why are you not with daddy.....oh god i am not ready! i am SO not ready.

So i dodged the questions as best i could, it was almost like a horrible game of dodge ball in middle school. I was that skinny awkward kid in the back that never spoke, always the first out...... I was searching for the gym teacher to blow the whistle to end this...so i used the shiny object syndrome to my advantage, i told them all how much i loved them and how special they were to me. that they always needed to remember mommy is not perfect and that she does the best she knows how....oh wait....what is that, a cool song on the radio.....someone in the back of the car yells out, "turn up the song I love this one, listen to me sing it!" ahhh phew the gym teacher blew the whistle.

I know the questions are going to get harder. I know i am going to have to do a lot of explaining... i just wish they came with an instruction book. I wish someone could tell me what to say and when to say it. I know my song trick is not going to work forever as Jordan has caught onto some of my tricks...

peace out.

18 July 2007

life is a little messy

So i like to go through and put some pictures with what i am writing. I find it more enjoyable and you get a better sense of what i am actually talking about. So this photo you are looking is was a really funny day. We all had gone hiking at the nature center, it was in April around Jordans birthday. This is because the "outlaws" as i like to refer to them as (ex in laws) sent Jordan a gift and packaged this tiny ugly dollar store gift in a 30 gallon box of plastic peanuts. Well Nathaniel thought it would be funny to jump into the box. Oh he and jordan had a grand time jumping into the pile of peanuts, they were everywhere! What is a mother to do? So my inner voice is talking to me, telling me you should be upset.....but the fun mom in me says come on didnt you want to do this as a kid and you would have been punished to your room for a week? So the mom side won....I watched them play in the fun and when they were getting tired of this i came in with brooms, dustpan and garbage bags. I think it is okay to have some fun as long as you clean it up! they did. but what funny pictures i did get! hehehe by the end i came to the rescue with the vacuum cleaner.

17 July 2007


Okay for all those who do not know me, I must tell you I think I am a pretty funny mom. Now i have been a single mom for over 5 years, and lets face it i was raising my boys by myself before that, lets be honest....I have had to entertain myself through the years.

Being a stay at home mom and having twin newborns in the house, a 2 1/2 year old, and two foster children 8 and 10, you have to have a sense of humor. So i think i am funny and have a good time with my boys.

Ok for a better picture of my sense of humor, as off as it can be....I am the Mom who went and bought the book, The Gas We Pass, and laugh as much as my children.

Or how about the time at dinner when I said to my boys, how big they were getting, then before I knew it they were all standing on chairs saying they were taller than me. Well i could not be out done by my boys, so I stood on the chair with them laughing hysterically.

So I think I am a pretty cool mom. My boys are very open and talk about their days. My favorite part of the day is usually sitting around the table eating dinner. Now our dinner tradition is we go around the table and tell up to three good things and one bad thing about your day. Everyone gets a chance to talk. I love to hear what they have to say. This has encouraged them to talk freely.

Why am i tell this all to you...ha ha ha.. On the way home from camp, I was asking how their day was, they all were chatting about this and that...then out of no where one of the twins, I believe it was Raymond, he said to me...."Mom Mom, I need a new BUTT" I was shocked! I said, "What? you need what?" I was sure i did not hear my son say to me he needed a new butt! Well now the other twin is in on this, with the three boys laughing in hysterics, he says to me, "yeah this one has a crack in it" Oh MY God! You are kidding me! Now i am laughing. They totally got me. Mind you the twins will be 7 on July 31st! Shocking! They all were so proud of themselves!! I was proud too.

I love being a mom, you know, every stage in these little lives have been awesome. As time has gone by, and i might add quite quickly, I get to watch as they learn, grow and gain the tools I have given them. (someday they are going to thank me I would not allow them to watch TV every night, and they have a love for reading) They have taught me a lot as well. Life is to short to worry about the little things. I get nervous thinking about the future and how will i ever handle three growing boys, but you know what, with a good sense of humor and a village I am going to have three awesome boys. I am sure they will point me in the right direction.....

16 July 2007

I've been tagged!

Oh my goodness! Shocking! Who knew I would be tagged! I am so new at this blogging thing! I feel so honored to be mentioned in Mike's Blog as well! Exciting days! So if i understand this right I have to tell you all 8 things about me! WOW! I hope i can come up with that many!!! Ok here goes!

1. I lived in San Fransisco, and loved it! I lived on 5th Ave, across the street from the owners of Levi Jeans. Had Thanksgiving dinner with the Fishers, Owners of the Gap, etc. What a great time in life.

2. Went over seas to Germany and Austria when i was a teenager, on the way back from the Germany, not only were there men with really big guns in the airport, but someone had checked a bag onto the plane but was not on the plane. So they made us get off the plane and identify our luggage, the guy next to me spoke German and said bomb, as though it was no big deal.

3. Sailed on a 100foot windjammer in the Grenadines. Loved every minute of it. Looking back just wished it was with someone else. Oh well i still can enjoy the experience. The feeling of not being able to see land all around you is a powerful thing. Being on an island with no one really living there, or going to a house being built in all stone! Someday I will go back.

4. On my way to work, i was living in New London working in new haven, (long story) spotted a guy on the side of the road. He had been stabbed. Did not have a cell phone and the person in the car with me flagged a car down. Hard to believe a time without cell phones.

5. I have been a foster parent for 9 years. I have seen 20 kids come and go from my house. Right now my house is on hold being single and trying to raise my three boys it is a bit tough. My oldest is adopted, he was my second foster child placed with me. He is one of 16 children. He is awesome!

6. I am in love with my iPod. I have very eclectic taste in music. I love live music. where do i even start? warren zevon, luka bloom, cowboy mouth, to mya, to bare naked ladies, guster, jerry garcia (saw the dead in concert), daft punk, jahn mayer, oh the list is way to long, rusted root, dave matthews, shall i go on? you get it right?

7. Okay getting tougher......i love the TV show big brother. Thank god for DVR as i would never remember when it is on!

8. I started coming to the Seaport when i was 12 as a camper, went through the whole program, went on BRILLANT at 15, SA at 16 and an instructor at 21. I am now the Director. I have got to get a life. But i suppose someone has to do it right?

PHEW! how did i do? that was tougher than i thought! well i have 40 boats on the water floating around as there is no wind. Never can win. To little wind, to much wind, rain.....ahh good sailors don't need wind!

15 July 2007


Sunday it is postsecret day! Oh my goodness, do you read this? Well if not you need to read just once and you either will love it or you will not. What is it? People send in postcards to this one guy, and it is a secret. The secrets range in happy to sad, to downright disturbing. You know i think in reading it for me, i realize so many people have a lot of the same problems worries and concerns. So often i think people live behind computers. Well someday i might send in a secret. I wonder if anyone would know it was me. I wonder if any of my friends have sent one in. If you were to send a secret in what would it be?

well check it out. Let me know. http://postsecret.blogspot.com/


12 July 2007

Here goes nothing

So I realize it is not all about me. But being a single mom of three and working full time it really never is about me...

Blogging...a friend and I were talking about his blog and I told him I had one but no one ever read it because I never published it. So that got me thinking perhaps I will try this and see if anyone really reads this or wants to know my rants about my life.

Hmmm..... now what?

Well I am raising three boys, ages 9 and twins 6 (soon to be 7 in a couple of weeks) All three are different! Jordan the oldest, is as smart as they come! Nathaniel, twin A, is very athletic and would rather kick a ball around or play. Raymond, twin B, is book smart, and loves to talk. Raymond also has taken a liken to sailing.

I am not sure what else to write for now.

Peace out.